We've done it! We've finished the handbell book, and it's available on Amazon as a printed paperback and as a Kindle edition. The book has its own page within this site. There were some last-minute changes, and formatting the Kindle edition caused a few headaches, but it's finally done.
There's a sample page at the bottom of this article, from the Plain Bob chapter. The real thing is sharper because it hasn't been resized for the blog. The Kindle edition has exactly the same page formatting as the printed edition, so all the diagrams are as they should be. We've tested it in a previewer and on a small iPad, and it looks good. According to the website it's available for Kindle Fire devices and in the Kindle app on tablets - it seems that you can't put it on a black-and-white Kindle.
Now that the coronavirus situation is encouraging more people into handbell ringing, maybe they will want to keep it up, and the book should be just what they need to progress beyond Plain Bob Minimus when they are allowed to get more ringers together.
Meanwhile, the lockdown is giving us much more time to work on Volume 2, which we hope won't take another 7 years to complete.
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