It all started about three years ago, when Jonathan and Angela asked if we were interested in forming a handbell band, including teaching Angela to ring handbells. We had been trying and failing to do just this for many years (for reasons far too boring to go into), so we said ‘YES’.
(Really, it all started when Mike Clay began some regular handbell practices with some of the students in Edinburgh and various other handbell ringers in the area, including Jonathan. One day our schedules will mesh enough to all ring together – but in handbell ringing, patience is everything.)
Three years on, our regular Glasgow band has finally managed to ring Bristol Surprise Major, and are now gunning for the Standard 8 spliced (just London to go). We have started a second practice night for a new ringer, and are teaching our children to ring too. We are working on building of network of handbell ringers in Scotland, through semi-annual handbell days, and occasional peal attempts and extra practices.
Our journey from those first beginnings to where we are now has been both fun and interesting. Also, we learned a lot about teaching handbells to people at various levels of ability. Through it all we have discussed theories of how people learn, best methods of learning (we don’t always agree), and how to transfer some of this expertise into the bell tower.
This blog is about the rest of this journey, describing the ups and downs as they happen, as honestly as we can. It is the first step in a larger online resource about change ringing on handbells. We welcome any comments, opinions (humble and otherwise) and guest Authors.
Tina and Simon