After writing the previous article about Cornwall, I spent a bit more time working on a peal composition with four blocks of five befores, to get a good amount of coursing for both 3-4 and 5-6. Here's what I came up with.
5024 Cornwall Surprise Major Simon J Gay B W H 23456 -------------- - 42356 3 - - 54632 - 3 43526 4 - - 63542 2 - 34256 - - - 36452 - 3 65324 4 - - 45362 - 3 56423 3 - 23456 -------------- For handbells: 64% coursing for 3-4 and 71% coursing for 5-6.
It looks complicated, but like the David Maynard composition of Bristol that I wrote about some time ago, understanding its structure makes it easy to remember.
- Starting with a home puts 3-4 into coursing, with the coursing order 52436. This is one of the coursing orders from which we want to call five befores, but:
- Call 3 befores from the block of 5, giving the coursing order 43652.
- When 3-4 and 5-6 are at the beginning of the coursing order, calling wrong and home takes us to 34562, another of the coursing orders from which to call five befores, but:
- Call one before, then 3 homes for padding, then the other 4 befores.
- Now back in 34562, call wrong and home to return to 43652.
- Next call the remaining 2 befores from the first block of 5, to get back to 52436.
- Call a home to give 54326. This is another coursing order for a block of 5 befores, but:
- Call one before to give 65432, then wrong and home to give 56342.
- Call one before, then 3 homes for padding, then the other 4 befores.
- Back in 56342, call wrong and home to give 65432.
- Call one before, then 3 homes for padding, then the 3 befores that are left over from the block of 5 on 54326.
- Finally, a home brings it round.
I might try this one next time we go for our peal.