Methods as compositions, part 2: Plain Bob and Double Oxford

Double Oxford Bob MinorPlain Bob Minor

The methods I looked at in the previous article had 6th place lead ends, so what about 2nd place methods? The simplest is Plain Bob. As before, the coursing order during the lead is 124653. At the lead end the 3rd makes 2nds, which jumps it over all the bells that dodge. The coursing order becomes 132465, so the non-treble bells are in a cyclic rotation and we have a five-part composition. That is, a five-part composition of Original with non-standard bobs (place notation 12), which we think of as the plain course of Plain Bob.

Applying the same principle to the methods from the previous article, namely Single Court and Double Court, we can understand the variations with 2nds place at the lead end: Single Oxford and Hereward. I was going to write Double Oxford there, but that also has 5ths at the half lead. So let's look at it.

We've already seen that after the 3rd makes 4ths and 3rds, the coursing order is 132465. At the half lead the 5th makes 5ths, so it jumps over all the other bells in the same way as for 2nds at the lead end. The coursing order going into the second half of the lead is therefore 153246. Now it's the 6th that makes 3rds and 4ths in the second half of the lead, so the coursing order becomes 165324. Finally, the 4th makes 2nds at the lead end, so the coursing order becomes 146532, corresponding to a lead end row of 142635.