Continuing with the monthly methods from the Ringing World Diary, we rang a quarter of Frodsham on 1st July. I have to say that the method isn't very far up our favourites list. It's Bristol above the treble - even more than that, it's completely Bristol until the treble gets above 6th place. On the front there's a far dodge near in 3-4 across the half lead, with an awkward 3rd place below it. There's a wrong 4-pull dodge in 1-2 across the half lead, which requires careful ringing to synchronise with other pieces of work. Overall, it's the kind of method we can ring well if we go carefully and not too fast, but it would take a lot more practice (which it's not going to get) to become really fluent.
The composition was a neat two-part by Don Morrison:
1280 Frodsham Surprise Major Donald F. Morrison B H 23456 ----------- - 42356 2 - 25634 ----------- 2 part.