Interview with Eric Trumpler

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Where are you based?

Ludwigshafen, Germany

When and where did you learn to ring handbells?

In Connecticut, USA in the 1970's.

Who has influenced your handbell ringing?

My Dad, Donald Trumpler, Marj and Alan Winter, Don Morrison, Ed Futcher, Mike Trimm.

Blue lines, place notation or structure?

All of the above, but mostly place notation.

Trebles or tenors?

Given a choice, tenors.

Quarters or peals?

Plenty of both.

What is the most unusual place in which you have rung handbells?

Camping van, public park.

What is your favourite handbell-ringing anecdote?

Ringing a quarter peal of Cambridge or Yorkshire Major with Tony Parry after he had already list the use of his arms... he rang the trebles on pedal device designed and constructed by Paul de Kok.He actually rang more rhythmically with his feet than he had previously with his hands, before coming down with ALS.

Any further comments about handbell ringing in general? 

Having spent significant portions of my life in places without tower bells nearby, I could not be a ringer without the opportunity to ring changes on handbells. It also makes it possible for me to introduce change ringing to people in a part of the world which has no tradition of change ringing.


Next time: David Warwick