Handbell Compositions: symmetrical leads (2)

My previous post showed how to construct a quarter peal of Spliced Surprise Major in which the tenors always ring symmetrical leads. As the composition consists of six courses of maximum length (seven leads each), it's natural to wonder whether we can produce six similar courses in which only 2,3,4 are affected by calls, leading to a composition in which both 5-6 and 7-8 always ring symmetrical leads. The answer is yes, but the calling doesn't come out as neatly as before: the only solution I have found uses non-standard bobs and singles, and has an unattractive lump at the end. Anyway, here it is.

1344 Spliced Surprise Major (7m)
By S.J.Gay

Bristol       14263857
Cambridge     13527486
Chalkwell#    16482735
Ipswich       15738264
Hersham#      18674523
Rutland       17856342
Westminster@  17856432   
Westminster   18673524
Rutland#      15748263
Hersham       16382745
Ipswich#      14527386
Chalkwell     13264857
Cambridge%    14235678
3 part, finishing with # instead of %, to give:

Bristol-      14325678
Bristol-      12435678
Bristol$      12345678

- = 14, # = 18, @ = 1678, % = 1238, $ = 1234