August's method: Ytterbium

The next method of the month is Ytterbium. Let's have a look at it now, although I don't think we'll be able to ring it until a bit later in August.

It's a D lead end, i.e. "alternate Cambridge" place bell order. We've had this place bell order a few times - it's the same as Jovium, Dunster, Ashtead and Ipswich. The composition that we rang for Jovium should be good again, although with only 91 runs instead of 106.

1344 Ytterbium Surprise Major
Comp. Elf

I W H  2345678
- -   (3462785)
-   2  2348765
2 part.
91 4-bell runs (43f, 48b)

The method is Uxbridge (or Lessness) above the treble, but it doesn't have the full Uxbridge backwork because of different work when the treble is in 7-8. The symmetrical place bell is 5th, and it's actually the same as Ashtead.

There's some work on the front around the half lead which is reminiscent of Surfleet Surprise Minor. 4th place bell does Stedman followed by 2nd place and lead. There's a double wrong dodge in 3-4 and 5-6. Below the 3-4 dodge it's a bit like Surfleet, in the sense that there's frontwork starting or finishing with a point lead. The frontwork has an extra 2nd place and lead to fill in the space required for surprise major. Above the 5-6 dodge is a bit like Surfleet, in the sense that there's a place adjacent to passing the treble. The remaining work is a fishtail in 3-4.

I've always found it awkward to ring the places on the front and the dodges in 3-4, in Surfleet, so I expect the corresponding work in Ytterbium will also require care. Overall, though, I don't think it's any more difficult than Frodsham, so we should be able to ring a quarter.