This week's online handbell ringing got off to a good start with a quarter of spliced Yorkshire and Kent. Yes, you read that correctly! Apparently the idea came up a while ago when a band couldn't decide whether to ring Kent or Yorkshire for a safe quarter, and someone suggested combining them. I believe a quarter was rung although I must have missed it on BellBoard, but anyway, Gareth put it on the list this week for the Five o'Clock Club.
A couple of tenors-together compositions were suggested by Simon Humphrey, but I had a little look with my computer for multipart compositions and came up with this cyclic seven-part.
1344 Spliced Major (2m) Simon J Gay 2345678 ---------- Y 5738264 Y- 7864523 K 6758342 Y- 7856342 K 5738264 Y- 7823456 ---------- 7 part. 2m: 896 Yorkshire Surprise, 448 Kent Treble Bob, 28 c.o.m., a.t.w.
We rang it quite well and it was a nice change from the usual fare. An alternative is to replace the first two leads of each part by Cambridge, to give three-spliced with equal amounts of each method.